Monday, November 10, 2008

in Lomas' blog..

In Roman Lomas’ blog, entitled “Here’s our Chance”, he is encouraging people to go out and vote in the critical election that just took place. He starts out by first describing to his audience how he had never taken much interest in politics in any of the previous elections years. He explained how he was either too busy focusing on the things that mattered to him, such as playing N64 and chasing girls in high school. I think he did well in giving examples such as those described because they were things that many people in his audience were able to relate to. Whether it be playing video games or any other hobby you may have had, many people simply did things that seemed more worth their time and effort.

Lomas then goes on to describe how he witnessed firsthand those around him who are suffering because of our economy. He describes his uncle being laid off from a job after having worked there for 25 years and his dad having to shut down his personal business. I think Lomas did well by including this information in his blog because I am positive he is not the only one who has had to witness their loved ones suffer through economic hardships.

Overall I think Mr. Lomas did an excellent job in persuading his audience to vote. He does not lean towards one candidate more than the other; in fact he does not make reference to either of the candidates running for office this year at all. He simply yet effectively lays out the facts that clearly show that our country needs to see change and that the only way for that to happen is to go out and make your voice heard through your vote. He did a great job.

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